What is wooden flooring?
Wood is a natural material, like any other, but it has several unique qualities. One of these qualities is that it is strong and durable. Another quality is that the different types of wood give you many different colour choices to use in a room.
What’s different about wood flooring?
* Wood flooring is often brighter than other types of flooring.
* Wood flooring is generally not abrasive or slippery.
* Wood flooring is not prone to stains or discolouration.
* It’s generally not prone to scratches, tears, or tears from falling objects.
* Wood flooring is also lighter and softer, and it has more flexibility than other types of flooring.
* Wood flooring has a smooth, pleasing surface, while other types of flooring have an uneven and abrasive surface.
What type of wood flooring should I choose?
Common hardwoods used for flooring
* Douglas fir
* Eastern hemlock
* Southern red oak
* White oak
Common softwoods used for flooring
* Ash (Fraxinus)
* Cedar (Cedrus)
* Redwood (Sequoia)
There are other common types of wood that are used for flooring. These include cherry, poplar, and eucalyptus.
Do I want real wood or artificial wood flooring?
In most cases, real wood is recommended for its appearance. But you can buy artificial wood flooring that looks pretty much like real wood flooring.
What are the pros and cons of real and artificial wood flooring?
Pros of artificial wood flooring:
* Lower price.
* Fewer maintenance problems.
* Reduced risk of mould growth.
* Lower risk of staining.
* Reduced risk of discolouration.
* Easy to clean.
* You can buy it in most colours.
Cons of artificial wood flooring:
* It’s not very durable.
* It’s not as strong as real wood flooring.
What’s the difference between hardwood and artificial wood flooring?
Artificial wood flooring is made of materials like acrylic, rubber, or plastic. These materials are then processed into a smooth surface to match the look of real wood flooring.
There are other effects of wood flooring that can be chosen to give the desired look and feel, but for much cheaper. These include a flexible form of vinyl flooring called LVT. They’re also called vinyl fabric, vinyl tile, vinyl tile board, or vinyl floor. They are made of 100% vinyl. These tiles are smooth and lightweight and come in many colours, shapes and patterns. They’re often used as replacements for wood flooring with the same look and feel.
How should I choose my flooring?
Choosing the best flooring can be a lot of work, especially since there are so many different types of flooring available. In order to find the best option for you, you will have to take into account a lot of different factors.
These include cost, durability, colour, durability, feel, weight, temperature, and price.
Hardwood flooring has more durability than softwood flooring. It is also stronger, more resistant to wear, and more durable.
Durability is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a flooring type. This is especially important if you are planning to use your flooring for a longer period of time.
Choose a flooring colour that suits you best. There are a lot of colours you can choose from, so be sure to find the one that suits your design ideas and looks the best for what you aim to achieve. Choose a flooring colour that suits you best. There are a lot of colours you can choose from, so be sure to find the one that suits your design ideas and looks the best for what you aim to achieve.
So, I know what flooring colour I want, what now?
Well, when designing a room, it is important to consider the colour of the walls and floor. Walls and floors can be different colours, but this does not mean that the room will look bad.
There are a few different reasons why the walls and floor could be different colours. The easiest way to determine which one of the two colours is more suitable for your room is to decide what it is that you want to do with the room.
For example, if you want to have the room painted or decorated, you could choose to have the walls painted, so that they are much darker than the floor. This gives you more contrast and will be a lot more difficult for the light to reach the room, making it appear dark.
If you want the room to be bright and have good lighting, you could choose to have the wall colours lighter than the floor. This will give the room a more shiny, bright look, and is much easier for the light to reach.
So, how do you decide which colour you want?
If you are deciding what colours to paint, your main concern is how well the room will look, both in terms of the colour itself and in terms of its contrast with the room. If you paint a room, you will want a colour that does not clash with the other room’s colour, and the colour of its carpet or floor will probably also have an effect. If you have to choose between two similar colours, you will choose whichever gives the better contrast.
Depending on what colour wood floor you currently have will also play a part in deciding which colour you choose. For example, if you have an ivory floor, you will probably choose the wall colour to be lighter than the floor to give it a brighter appearance, and if your wood flooring is brown, you will choose the wall colour to be darker than the floor to give it more contrast.
If you are choosing between two similar colours, the following comparison will be useful.
Wall colour -> Floor colour
Brown -> Brown
Orange -> Brown
Orange -> Gray
Yellow -> Yellow
Yellow -> Gray
Warm Red -> Warm Red
Warm Red -> Gray
Warm Red -> Warm Gray
Warm Red -> Cool Gray
Warm Red -> White
Warm Red -> Bright White
Warm Red -> Dark White
As a rule of thumb, wooden flooring and walls will look best if they are both very similar in colour. If you want your room to be bright, you will want a wood floor that is light, and a neutral or light wall colour.
The biggest problem in choosing colours is getting them to blend well together. This is because the human eye is a 3-colour receptor, and it can’t combine 3 colours to see the 4th one. When mixing two colours, they blend together if they are very close in the hues wheel. If they are on the same wheel, they may be more easily seen, and may not blend together.
A good way to decide whether two colours will blend together is to use the colour circle on the following website.
If you have tried the following online tool to see what colours are closest together in terms of hues:
The following chart should be helpful in picking out the colours you want in your room.
Wooden flooring can be difficult to match. If you’re opting for a darker room, you may look at the option of adding a feature wall to help create a brighter feeling in your room.
Feature Walls
Feature walls are a technique for giving your home a more unique look. It involves adding a bright wall in one corner of your home. There are a few different types of feature walls:
Chromatic Walls
Chromatic walls are a light feature walls which will look different from the rest of the home, and give the room a warm glow. There are many different ways of getting a chromatic wall. The simplest method of creating a chromatic wall is to add one light-coloured wallpaper or fabric to the corner of your room. This wallpaper or fabric can be in any colour, but the most obvious options are bright colours, however, white wallpaper will probably give you the most contrast with the rest of the home, and would therefore make the wall look best.
Glow Walls
To create a glowing wall, you must have a strong light, a light-coloured wall, and a colour that will glow when light hits it. Many types of wallpaper can create a glow wall and by picking a colour that matches the wood flooring from the chart above can influence your decision when it comes to choosing the right colours.
Non-Chromatic Walls
A neutral feature wall will appear more neutral to the rest of the room than a chromatic feature wall. However, they will make the room more distinctive. There are many different ways of making a neutral wall.
Contrast Walls
A contrast wall can be created by adding 2 bright-coloured wallpapers or fabrics to 2 opposite corners of your home. This will create a dramatic contrast in light and colour, and look best in a room which isn’t already quite bright.
The same types of bright colours which work for chromatic walls can be used to create contrast walls.
Light Walls
Light walls, or feature walls, can be created by adding a dark or light wall to the outside of one or both sides of your home. This will create a dramatic difference between the light on the inside and the darker exterior.